Collection - Marriages

Tags: Fees and Collections

Registration of Hindu and Muslim Marriages

The marriage officer from the respective bodies would present the District Revenue Office with the necessary documents after the Marriages have been done in accordance with their religion.

Posting of Bands

(Cost - TT$10.00)

Individuals seeking to be married must visit the District Revenue Office in the area in which they live. Parties must be living in the District for seven (7) consecutive days prior to the registration.


  • A form “Notice to District Registrar” is completed and posted on the Notice Board.

  • This notice stays up for seven consecutive days. If the eighth day falls on a weekend the notice is to be removed on the next working day.

  • A marriage Licence is then obtained at a cost of TT$10.00 and is valid for six (6) months effective the date prior to the date of posting of the notice.


Where one party lives abroad a Notary Public must be produced and a presidential authority obtained from the Registrar General’s Department

Civil Marriages

After the Marriage Licence has been obtained parties may elect to have a Civil Marriage


  • A date is obtained from the District Revenue Office in the area and the relevant forms completed.

  • Valid forms of Identification must be presented.

  • Where parties are under eighteen (18) consent is required in writing from both parents.

  • Where parties are divorced the Decree Absolute must be provided.

  • If parties are widowed the death certificate in respect of the deceased parties must be provided.

  • Where non-residents are being married a valid passport must be presented. In addition the individual(s) must have resided locally for seven (7) days and the address must be stated on the form.