FATCA Registration Guide
The Inland Revenue Division (IRD) FATCA Registration Process grants Financial Institutions (FIs) secure access to perform the following functionality using the online e-Tax System:
- Submit a FATCA Report
- Receive feedback on submitted reports
- Utilize the FATCA (file) Validation test facility
- Review previously submitted reports and their statuses
This guide provides the instructions for a FI to complete the registration process. It includes:
- Pre-requisites required for registration
Did you know that the e-Tax System can be used for much more than FATCA Reporting. If you are interested in a free service to help you manage your taxes online visit www.etax.ird.gov.tt
Registration Pre-Requisites
Pre-Requisites for Point of Contact (PoC)
The PoC is a person designated by the FI to submit the FATCA Report on behalf of the FI and facilitates communication between the FI and IRD.
ttconnect ID
- In order to transact online business with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago a ttconnect ID is required. For more information on registering for a ttconnect ID please visit ttconnect.gov.tt.
Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) Number
- In order to use the e-Tax System, a BIR Number is required for the PoC. For more information on getting a BIR Number visit www.ird.gov.tt/BIR_number or start the process online by visiting www.etax.ird.gov.tt and clicking on the Register for a BIR Number hyperlink.
Pre-Requisites for Financial Institutions (FIs)
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN)
- To avoid being withheld upon, foreign financial institutions may register with the IRS and agree to report to the IRS certain information about their U.S. accounts, including accounts of certain foreign entities with substantial U.S. owners. An institution that registers will receive a GIIN from the IRS unless the institution is treated as a limited financial institution.
For more information on registering for a GIIN please visit www.irs.gov/businesses/corporations/information-for-foreign-fianancial-institutions