FATCA Error Message | Description | Possible Resolution |
The Sending Company AAAAAA.AAAAA.AA.780 should be 000000.00000.TA.780 |
The GIIN used as the sending company should be IRD's HCTA ID which is 000000.00000.TA.780. This is to facilitate the transmission of the files to IRS by IRD |
Set /ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:SendingCompanyIN to 000000.00000.TA.780 |
The date provided in the file YYYY-MM-DD does does not match this reporting period |
The reporting year entered does match the reporting year in the XML file |
Verify the correct reporting year for which the file is being submitted and update the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:ReportingPeriod) or restart the submission process and enter the correct reporting year. NOTE: Reporting Year should be either 2014, 2016 etc, while the message contains the format YYYY-MM-DD but this is considered in processing |
Multiple DocTypeIndic found in file |
Your file contains multiple different Doc Type Indicators. All doc type indicators should be the same, E.g. FATCA1 |
Ensure all DocTypeIndic are the same in your file |
The submission type in the file is not a valid test type. |
Submission Web Request - The system is currently only accepting FATCA test files. Test Validation - Only test files are allowed |
The file type (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingFI/ftc:DocSpec/ftc:DocTypeIndic) and all other occurrences of DocTypeIndic should be corrected to ensure all DocTypeIndic are either FATCA11, FATCA12, FATCA13 or FATCA14 |
The submission type in the file FATCAX does not match the submission type you selected. |
The submission type selected does match the submission type in the XML file |
Verify the type of file being submitted (New, Amended, Void, Corrected) and update the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingFI/ftc:DocSpec/ftc:DocTypeIndic) and all other occurrences accordingly or restart the submission process and select the correct submission type |
Filer Category is required for 2016 submissions onwards |
All submission for the reporting period 2016 onwards must have Filer Category |
Verify a filer category is included in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingFI/ftc:FilerCategory). Alternatively, ensure the reporting period is correct |
The Reporting FI GIIN AAAAAA.AAAAA.AA.780 does not match the GIIN you logged in with. |
The GIIN in the XML file does match the GIIN associated with this taxpayer. For the case where the taxpayer has multiple GIIN, the one in the file does not match the one they selected |
Verify the correct GIIN is used in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingFI/sfa:TIN) or that the corrected GIIN was selected |
Transmitting Country XX should be TT |
The Transmitting countr y in the file should be TT |
Set /ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:TransmittingCountry to TT |
Receiving Country XX should be US |
The Receicing country in the file should be US |
Set/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:ReceivingCountry to US |
The Message RefId xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not begin with the GIIN you logged in with |
All message reference ids should begin with the Fis GIIN |
Update the MessageRefId in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:MessageRefId) to beging with the GIIN for which you are submitting data for |
The Message RefId xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has been used before |
Each file must contain aunique message reference Id for all submission to IRS. MessageRefIds are validated against all files submitted and not just the current year |
Update the MessageRefId in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:MessageRefId) to be unique. Note: It is begin with the GIIN you are submitting data for |
CorrMessageRefId not allowed for NEW files |
The file's submission type is NEW and the file contains Corrected Message Reference Ids. Corrected Message Reference Ids are not allowed with new submissions |
Verify whether you should be submitting a NEW file, if yes, remove any CorrMessageRefId in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:CorrMessageRefId), if no, determine what the appropriate submission type should be and update the file accordingly |
No CorrMessageRefId found. CorrMessageRefIds are required for non-new files. |
The file's submission type is NOT NEW and the file does not contain any Corrected Message Reference Ids. Corrected Message Reference Ids are required for NON-NEW submissions |
Verify whether you should be submitting a NON- NEW file, if yes, include relevant CorrMessageRefId in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:CorrMessageRefId), if no, change the submittion type to NEW |
CorrMessageRefId xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not match any previous submission for YYYY |
A previous message reference id for the year you entered could not be found which matches the corrected message reference id in the file |
Verify that the CorrMessageRefId in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:CorrMessageRefId) is correct. Verify the reporting year you have entered is the year you wish to submit for |
The original file with MessageRefId xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not require corrections |
You have selected the Corrected submission type but the orignal file which matches your corrected message reference id does not need to corrected. |
Corrections are only allowed where record or field level error notifications have been received and corrections are required. Ensure that you should not be submittign AMEND or VOID. Verify that your CorrMessageRefId in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:CorrMessageRefId) is correct |
The original file with MessageRefId xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not have a valid notification and cannot be amended |
You have selected the Amended submission type but the orignal file which matches your corrected message reference id was not valid |
Amendments are only allowed valid notifications have been received . Ensure that you should not be submitting CORRECTED. Verify that your CorrMessageRefId in the file (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:MessageSpec/sfa:CorrMessageRefId) is correct |
No accounts report found |
The file does not contain any account reports and also does not contain any nil report indicator |
If you have no accounts to report, update your file to inlude the nil report indicator (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingGroup/ftc:NilReport). If you have accounts to report, ensureyour file has at least one account report(/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingGroup/ftc:AccountReport) |
Accounts exists on a NIL report |
The file contains a nil report indicator and also contains account reports |
If you have no accounts report, your file should not contain any account reports (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingGroup/ftc:AccountReport). If you do have accounts to report, omit the nil report indicator (/ftc:FATCA_OECD/ftc:FATCA/ftc:ReportingGroup/ftc:NilReport) |
The DocRefId xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not begin with the GIIN you selected |
IRS requires that all DocRefIds begins with the your GIIN followed by a period |
Ensure that all the DocRefIds begin with your GIIN followed by a period |
The TIN xxxxxxxxx is not a valid social security number |
The format of of an SSN number is not correct |
Please verify all SSN numbers in the file are in the correct format |